Monday, October 13, 2008

Heart To Heart Mentoring

As I studied and prepared over the past week to teach on mentoring yesterday I was struck by how often mentoring/teaching/instructing another is a theme in the Bible. I believe the mandate for older men and women to teach the younger men and women that we find in Titus 2 is at the core of the Great Commission. Matt.28:20 tells us to "teach them to observe all things that I have commanded you". After a person comes to the acceptance of Christ's sacrifice for their sins- the first step of the Great Commission- they must next be taught how to live out their salvation. This is the second part of the Great Commission.

This strikes my heart as a mom. I have a responsibility to mentor-to teach or counsel another wisely and in a trustworthy manner-my 2 daughters. By God's grace and through their faith they have come to know Jesus as their Saviour from all their sins. Now I must mentor them in living out their salvation daily in our home as well as in our community. What an awesome responsibility!

Corporately, in our church, Titus 2:3-5 is carried out through our Heart To Heart ministry. Older women paired with younger women for the purpose of mentoring us in godly living. Elizabeth Elliot points out that this involves "taking time from one's own schedule to place ourselves in anothers' schedule and walk her the way of the cross Monday through Saturday". I love that! Mentoring is to occur in the mundane, day in and day out of our living. That means I need to rubbing shoulders with another where they live in order to pattern for them and instruct them in godly patterns of living.

How are we doing with that at Cornerstone, Ladies? Whose schedule have you inserted yourself into so that you can pattern godly living for her? Who is inserting themselves into your schedule so you can observe godly living of another?

My prayer is that we will each be a godly mentor to another and have teachable spirits towards those mentoring us