Friday, July 25, 2008

Labels; Good for Soup...Good for Christians?

Christian churches and speakers like labeling one another. We discover a few things about what a church believes or, more often, how a church operates and we label them. And the labels we use are many. But are these labels really effective? Do they do what they are intended to do?

I like labels on soup. It's good to know when I grab the can off the shelf if I'm getting Chicken Noodle or Cream of Celery. Before cracking it open, the label clearly identifies what I going to get. Barring some freak accident at Campbell's, I'll never open a can of Tomato and somehow get Cheese and Broccoli. Soup labels clearly identify the product.

Not so with our modern church labels.

Just try to get a clear definition of the term "Fundamental." I'm a part of a fundamentalist forum where we are endless debating the definition of fundamentalism! No one seems to know exactly what it takes to be a "fundamentalist" or what it takes to cease to be a “fundamentalist”. The same would be true of the term "Evangelical" or...well just pick your label! And the labels have different meanings to different people. They even change depending upon your geographical location. What may be "progressive" in the Bible belt would be considered "conservative" on the west coast.

For example, there are many who are trying to fully understand and clarify the emerging or emergent church. Dr. Doug Brown identifies the problem of defining the movement in his article entitled "The Emerging Church: The New Worldly Church"; "Leaders and proponents within the emerging church seem to relish the fact that the emerging church eludes defining. Much of their literature is intentionally slippery and vague, often raising more questions than answers." The point? "Emerging" cannot be clearly defined therefore it does little to clearly identify a ministry.

I understand that sometimes labels are helpful, so I'm not advocating completely abandoning them. However, I think they can make a person lazy. Since “so-and-so” says that a certain church is “emerging” then we throw them in the bad box without doing any research ourselves. Or we read an article where Dr. “what’s-his-name” declares that radio preacher leans “more evangelical than fundamental” and we think, “Well, maybe I shouldn’t listen to him.”

In my opinion, we are called be God to be more diligent that that (2 Tim. 2:15). We should thoroughly study God’s Word, listen carefully to a person, read a ministry’s doctrinal standing, and then compare them to God’s Word! For sure there are some things the Bible would say we are to separate from. But to please God in this area it takes study, time, and hard work. But diligent study is what God has called us to do! Not lazy labeling!

I guess what I’m saying is that we need to practice the biblical teaching of separation with more effort than we give making soup.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Worship Series Wrap-up!

It was a somewhat difficult decision for me to cover the topic of music and worship here at Cornerstone. It was something I had been thinking about and praying about for months prior to actually doing it. Why did I feel it was so important?

First of all, I sensed there was a great deal of diversity on the topic. As our church has grown, so has the diversity. Diversity is not a bad thing…but it is a dangerous and volatile thing. Diversity CAN breed dissention and division. So what can bring diverse followers of Christ together? One thing…uniting and rallying around the TRUTH of GOD’S WORD! So one of the main reasons I felt the series was necessary was to get God’s heart and say, “Ok…let’s be all about THAT! Let’s see what GOD thinks in important about music and worship and let’s make THAT important to US!”

So as we wrap up this mini-series up this week, here are some truths that I want us as a church to be united around.

1. John 4:23-24 – God wants worship to be passionate and laden with truth.

John 4:23-24
23 "But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.
24 "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

God is SEEKING worshippers! He wants people who can be passionate about His truth and He wants people to worship from the very depth of their hearts! THIS IS IMPORTANT and IT INVOLVES MY ENTIRE BEING! And the truth of God should generate an EMOTIONAL and PASSIONATE response!!

Now…how various people express that passion may be different than how YOU express that passion and that’s OK. Some of you don’t get into raising your hands…fine. You don’t have to. In heart-felt moments, some of you express your passion by raising you hands…and since it is a biblical expression of worship…it’s all over the bible…I say worship! Diversity With unity!!

2. John 4:24 -Worship is the ACT of attributing WORTH to God.
From that same passage, when we look at the definition of the word for “worship” we see that it is an ACTION! It is much more than coming here and sitting and being entertained. It is a GIVING to God because you believe He is WORTHY of your “sacrifice of praise.”

3. Heb. 1:6 – Jesus Christ should be the object of our worship.

Heb 1:6
6 But when He again brings the firstborn into the world, He says: "Let all the angels of God worship Him."

This is literally found all over the OT…Christ is seen ALL OVER the elements used in corporate worship. He should be the object of our worship today.

Not worshipping worship... not worshipping US. But our worship here should lift up JESUS CHRIST and Him alone!

4. Ps. 150 – God wants to worshipped in everywhere for what He has done with a variety of instruments.

There is a tremendous amount of freedom for what we bring to worship God and there is freedom with the instrumentation used in worship.We should embrace that freedom!

5. Rom. 14; 1 Cor. 8-10 – We should exercise our freedom with caution and in such a way that the gospel is not hindered.

We had a lengthly and involved message about freedoms last week. And I hope you clearly got the picture. You have a wonderful freedom, but your freedom is not an excuse to serve YOURSELF! It is always about GOD and OTHERS…both saved and unsaved. Practice your freedom in such a way that GOD is honored and other’s are loved.

6. Rom. 15:1-6; Eph. 4:1-6 – We should work hard to walk in unity.
I started with this and I ended our time last week with this. DIVERSITY AND UNITY! We are different…but more important that us getting our way worship being what I want…we need to consider our brother FIRST and UNITY should be our ultimate goal.

Rom. 15:5-6
5 Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus,
6 that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I've enjoyed the series and I'm glad we went through these truths. My prayer is that this will UNITE our church so we can move forward with effectiveness!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

"How's your love life?" By Steve F.

Is it possible that you have been born again; but, that you do not love the Lord Jesus Christ?
Are there times in your life when you have been warm toward Him; but now find yourself to be cool?
Do you wish that you and He were closer?

I can remember a time in my Christian life when I wondered if I really loved Jesus Christ. I was hanging out with some radical Christians (those people whose fearless actions match their profession). Their commitment to Christ made me question my own.

Love begins with prayer. I began to fast and pray. I told Jesus that I did not love him near enough. (He already knew that.) I begged Him to teach me to love Him more. Here are some conclusions that can help you.
Love grows with reflection. (We love Him because He first loved us. 1John 4:19) To fully appreciate Jesus we need to see Him in the light of Scripture. This involves searching to see who He is. I suggest starting with Isaiah chapters 52-58, continuing with Luke, and finishing with 1John. If you are earnest, you can read all of this in one week. You will also need to set aside time to “see yourself exactly as you are”. Prayer helps here, too.
Love deepens with conversation. Your life with Christ, just like a marriage, will not go any farther unless you spend time together. Get in the habit of turning off noise-making devices so that you can have a real conversation with Jesus. You will be surprised at how many thoughts and actions you can take captive for Christ. God created you so that you could have fellowship with Him.
Love leads to obedience. (If you love me you will keep my commandments. 1John 14:15). Obedience is the natural outpouring of a love for Christ. That kind of love asks, “Would this please Christ” before acting. Some mistakenly try to keep His commandments to earn His love. A love that is “earned” is the antithesis of His grace.

Your love will be tested. Expect Jesus to test your new level of love so that you can see it and so it is fixed in place. (John 21:15-19)

Love will carry you along in your journey to heaven way beyond where obedience will let you fall.

How about you? Are you hungry to love Christ more?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

How Cool is God?

I wanted to get this in before the week got's a testament to our AWESOME God who works things out in such a way that only HE gets the glory.

On Sunday we talked about the danger of worldliness. On Monday the "Our Journey" devotional was all about...not being conformed to the world! God's just plain amazing!

Here's snippet if you missed it...

"Worldly pleasures deceive us, for they give the illusion of fulfillment and happiness, yet for all their promises they leave us empty, guilty, and unfulfilled. In the end they rob us of the satisfaction that comes from knowing we have pleased the Lord. The world is not neutral, asking us to make of it what we will. From God's point of view, it is our enemy, a seductive influence we must always resist.

Make no mistake: the world tells us that the pleasure of following God cannot begin to compare with the unrelenting titillation of self-gratification. 'Do not love the world,' John wrote, knowing full well that we will put our affections somewhere."
By Erwin Lutzer

Good stuff! Great reminders...wonderful God!

Monday, July 7, 2008

"The Dangers of Worship" from 7/6/08

This past Sunday we talked about the danger of worldliness and I believe it's a term that is often misused and misapplied. John clearly defined the word for us as "the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16)." He was describing the values and principles of the world and he was clear that we are NOT to love the world's system, or as Paul put it, "the course of the world" (Eph. 2:2-3). Those desires I believe are pinned up in all our hearts. We all fight worldliness!

What I hope I communicated clearly was worldliness is not PRIMARILY about the externals. Worldliness is PRIMARILY a HEART issue. There is a wrong idea about being "worldly." Some teach that if a church uses a tool that is contemporary and/or used by the world than they are being "worldly." Perhaps they are...but until you know the heart desire that is driving them, you can't know for sure. The Amish have taken this view to it's logical end and have jettisoned all modern conviences.

Other's try to classify certain styles of music as "worldly." In doing so, they have attempted to draw lines where God hasn't. When does a song go from being "OK" in God's eyes to being "worldly?" Attempting to draw that line gets into legalism. Jesus was clear on His views of man made rules (Matt. 15:1-9). We need to be very careful about drawing lines where God has not.

Now, having said that, I do believe that a worldly heart can have external manifestations. A person who is prideful about their body can certainly dress in a way that will show it off. It's a "pride of life" issue and it leads to "the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh"....worldly by definition. However, dress is not always an indication of the heart. As I mentioned on Sunday, two guys wearing the same suit can have completely different heart desires. One could want to offer his best to God, the other to show off how much money he has. The latter would be a godly reason, and the former would be a worldly reason.

The bottom line this...worldliness is a heart condition that we all struggle with. It's much deeper than a particular style of music or way of dress. It's the heart desire that drives our actions. The more I study God's word the more I see the importance of the heart. From the two tree illustration in Jeremiah 17, to David's prayer in Ps. 51:10,17 to Jesus' revelation of the greatest commandment (Matt. 22:37)...they all teach the same heart desire drives my actions (James 4). No wonder God said to "Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.(Prov. 4:23)"

So where is your heart? What do YOU love? Does your music/entertainment emphasize the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life? Are the shows you watch on TV all about the world's philosophies? Friend, we are not to love that stuff! What to you need to offer to God as a sacrifice of worship?

Grow Group Questions:
1. How would you define the term "worldliness?"
2. How are we to feel about things that are "worldly?" (READ 1 John 2:15-17)
3. Why do we tend to judge people on the externals? Is that OK with God? (Consider 1 Sam. 16:7).
4. What are your 5 favorite songs? 5 favorite TV shows? websites?
5. How do these favorites match up to the "lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life?"
6. What do you need to give up for God as a sacrifice of worship?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

"Worship Acceptable to God" from 6-29-08

What are you passionate about? What gets you "pumped?" I'm not sure anything gets folks in Indiana more excited that a sporting event. Hoosiers are pretty serious about ball...any ball! Just think about some of the best known sports movies. The title "Hoosiers" speaks for itself; a movie all about basketball. Then you have "Rudy," the story of a boy's dream to play football for Notre Dame (located in South Bend, in case you didn't know). Athletics are important to us and they get us pretty excited. Just watch otherwise meek and quite individuals when "the boys in blue" run that pigskin across the line! They will be out of their seat arms up in the air screaming "TOUCHDOWN" as they run around and high-five total strangers! And they'll sit for hours in the rain, paint their faces, and spend hundreds of dollars to do it! For football!

But that's on Saturday. Sunday looks completely different. As we sing songs about our amazing God Who came from heaven to save us from an eternal hell the most we can muster is a solemn "amen." Rain will keep some away. After all, it's a long walk from the parking lot to the front door. And placing ten dollars in the offering plate is a big sacrifice.

I fully understand that people are different and they will express passion in different ways. I also understand what is culturally appropriate at a football game may not be acceptable at church. I'm not advocating we "do the wave for Jesus." I'm merely pointing out that if there is anything we should be passionate about it shouldn't be a ball game. It should be the cross of Jesus Christ.
Jesus had two important criteria regarding worship; spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). By spirit I believe Jesus clearly meant our "inner-man"....our passion! Just do a study on the heart and you'll see it is a critical part of our relationship with God. Even more than our obedience, God wants our heart! David said...

Ps. 51:15-17 "16 You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. 17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. "

More than the obedience of the offering, God wanted David's heart! And more than our attendance, God wants our hearts to be involved in worship! Just stop and think about what was accomplished on the cross! My sins are paid for, my eternity is secure! Everyday I can experience His new mercies and I'm the object of His wonderful love! What a God! What wonderful TRUTH...truth that gets me "pumped!"

So this Sunday, high-five your fellow pew sitter if that's your thing. Clap (Ps. 47:1), raise your hands (Ps. 63:4), even shout (Ps. 33:3)! However you express passion, express it! Whatever you do be more excited about what's happening during the church than what happens in the game after church!
1. Read John 4:23-24. God is looking for Worshippers. How does that truth impact your life? 2. What did Jesus mean by “spirit.” 3. How do people express the inner man? How do you? 4. Are there ways that make you uncomfortable? Why? What do you do with that? 5. How will this truth impact the way we worship together at Cornerstone? 6. What was the other criteria for worship? 7. What do you think Jesus meant? 8. How will that impact the way we worship at Cornerstone? 9. How will that impact your personal worship?