Wednesday, July 9, 2008

How Cool is God?

I wanted to get this in before the week got's a testament to our AWESOME God who works things out in such a way that only HE gets the glory.

On Sunday we talked about the danger of worldliness. On Monday the "Our Journey" devotional was all about...not being conformed to the world! God's just plain amazing!

Here's snippet if you missed it...

"Worldly pleasures deceive us, for they give the illusion of fulfillment and happiness, yet for all their promises they leave us empty, guilty, and unfulfilled. In the end they rob us of the satisfaction that comes from knowing we have pleased the Lord. The world is not neutral, asking us to make of it what we will. From God's point of view, it is our enemy, a seductive influence we must always resist.

Make no mistake: the world tells us that the pleasure of following God cannot begin to compare with the unrelenting titillation of self-gratification. 'Do not love the world,' John wrote, knowing full well that we will put our affections somewhere."
By Erwin Lutzer

Good stuff! Great reminders...wonderful God!

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