Tuesday, September 8, 2009


We have decided to get with the rest of the world...we're tweeting! If you don't already know, Twitter is what's called a Microblog site. It's simple...you answer the question "What are you doing?" and you can send updates to all those who follow you.

To be honest, even though I'm a Technogeek, I didn't see much use in Twitter. Why do I need to know what my friends are having for breakfast; or that they just got back from buying groceries? Seems a little...stalkerish...to me! But I decided to give it a shot this weekend and began following some of my favorite preachers. My friend Jeff convinced me to give it a try and told me I could have some of the tweets go right to my cell phone via text messaging. After my first weekend...I can say I'm hooked! I was regularly encouraged by John Piper's tweets! He regularly posts insightful quotes, or thoughts on Scripture. James MacDonald's tweets were entertaining and challenging as well.
But I was sold on our church doing one when I started to follow The Village Church; Matt Chandler's church in Texas. They used Twitter to send reminders, announcements, and words of encouragement! The thought of Cornerstone being able to send a reminder about worship practice...or to pray for one of our members...or that church will be cancelled due to snow (this is NOT an announcement!) to our member's cell phones seemed to make sense!

So come follow us by clicking here. It will be a real...Tweet. (oh boy...couldn't resist!)