Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mark Driscoll on Idolatry

Great video of Mark Driscoll teaching on Idolatry in America. A few weeks old...but very good!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I won!!

I actually won a contest! I'm really pumped!
A few weeks ago, I noticed that Matt Chandler (one of my favorite preachers) had a DVD set on the book of Philippians (check out some of the clips here). It looked really cool and I considered getting it...but the price was out of my budget (the box set is $199.95). But then I noticed they were GIVING a set away for FREE in a contest. And along with the set, you could get a free Flip video camera! So I entered....and I WON! Looks like a sermon series on Philippians is coming soon!

You can check out the video of them picking the winners below. I'm #5!

Flip Winners from The Hub on Vimeo.