Wednesday, June 4, 2008

To blog or not to blog...

To blog or not to blog...

It was actually a pretty hard decision for me. I have made stabs at the blogosphere in the past, only to pull down my posts and give up. Why? Well there are a couple of reasons.

1. Time. As a bi-vocation pastor my time is precious. Blogging takes time. However, I often teach time management courses and know it CAN be fit in with some discipline...and that may be a good challenge.

2. Ability. I don't write good :) . I would MUCH rather speak on a subject than write about it. However, I need to improve in this area and blogging may help.

3. Pride. I don't want the blog to be all about me...I need to be all about GOD all the time. But the very essence of a blog is "here are my thoughts." It would be a hard balance....though not impossible.

So I posted this very list in a forum and had some really encouraging and insiteful comments ( Before that, I was really challenged by an article I read on why all pastors should have a blog ( Considering all that, I decided to give it another shot! Bear with patient. My prayer is that the blog will serve as an encouragement to all you and me.

I am going to create a couple of different sections...

Sermon Wrap-ups
When I was studying for the minsitry at FBBC, I remember thinking to myself "How in the world am I ever going to fill 30min. for a sermon?!?" HA! What a fool I was! The Bible is so incredibly packed, I now find it hard to keep a sermon down to 40-45 min. In any given week I am cutting important information out to keep the time under control. It's always very difficult!

One of the main reasons I decided to blog was to have a place to put in the extra stuff I didn't get to say on Sunday. These "Sermon Wrap Ups" will provide a place to fill the the gaps or to give that illustration I just couldn't fit in. There may be additional homework from time to time as well.

Pastor's Thoughts
God often blows my mind. When He does, I just want to share it! The blog will give me a chance to just that!

Current Events
I have to be careful what I say from the pulpit of Cornerstone. Here, I can share my personal take on the events of the day.

There may be more sections to come. My heart's desire is that this is a place where God is furthered glorified and His people can be furthered edified! Enjoy!


Jim Peet said...


I added you to my Google reader.

I love reading what Pastor's write. Often we don't see the personal side of a man of God.

So thanks in advance.

Pastor Jamie Hart said...

Thanks for your encouargement! I'm fearfully excited!